Thursday, 26 March 2020

There Appears to be Something Going on

Now, I may be mistaken, but there appears to be something going on with the humans. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 are all hanging about the house and frankly getting under my feet. You would think they could put all this spare time to some productive fur brushing use, but they are more interested in staring vacantly into space and attending to their blue light creatures. I do my best to stay away from these creatures as they are unpredictable. Apart from the fish videos, I do like those.

A more positive development has been the refurbishment of the out door litter tray facilities, and the construction of two new ones. This takes the pressure off having to use the ones in my boudoir. Number one human says we must dig for victory, which is a bit vague, but that is what I have been doing.

The human also says that all humans have just got the kick up the arse that they need. It didn't clarify how this arse kicking for humans is to be administered, but I am broadly in favour of the idea.

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