Sunday, 30 December 2012


The human has been somewhat elusive of late and gives its excuse for this as "christmas" whatever that is. Whatever it is, it seems to entail frequent visits to "out". It often announces that it will be home all day at some point in the future but this rarely occurs and by the way I do not consider going to the vet together to be quality time especially as I was feeling quite well and not in need of medical attention.
This is quite annoying a it means I am left to rely on humans 2, 3 and 4 who, whilst friendly enough (except for no 2 who is dangerous and cannot be trusted), are not as quick on the uptake as no 1 human who is quite domesticated at this point, staring through the wall at it from another room being usually sufficient for any requirements to be attended to.
There are some indications however that "christmas" may soon be over so I am hopeful of more attention and a decent fur brush in the near future.